Welcome to the WESTPOLE news channel

This is where we reveal and elaborate on company milestones, events & projects.

Secondly, it serves as a go-to knowledge database.
We keep our finger on the pulse of the IT industry and use blogs & articles to report on everything that is
worth reporting on. Included bonuses: our expert’s opinions on the topics in question.

Five checks towards full observability ✔

Five checks towards full observability ✔

“Nobody said it was easy…” Reaching Observability was always going to be a tough ask, but entangled cloud environments and the pace of application changes have made achieving that goal even tougher. Organizations are now, more than ever, facing a big wave of Observability data. These datasets are complex, multidimensional and high velocity. What are the hurdles you should overcome to avoid drowning in data, and ultimately reach maximum if not full Observability?

Observability, AIOps, APM, Monitoring, etc.: setting the scene

Observability, AIOps, APM, Monitoring, etc.: setting the scene

Observability, AIOps, APM, Monitoring… Over the past few years, much (digital) ink has been spilled on these key IT topics. But it is not always easy to tell where one concept ends and another begins.

Some of the confusion stems from diverse positioning by technology research companies and deliberately vague interpretations by technology vendors.

In most cases, customers are looking for Observability solutions, because these are considered (or promoted) as the next big step on the ladder towards the ‘cloud-native’ era. This may well be true. Yet before they ‘jump’, customers really need a better understanding of Observability, and how it can help them and their organization.

In need of reliable cloud services? WESTPOLE is your go-to partner as European cloud expert

In need of reliable cloud services? WESTPOLE is your go-to partner as European cloud expert

Today, the shift to the cloud is visible all around us. Almost everyone has heard of the big public cloud providers such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft or Oracle. But is a well-known international player always the best choice? No. Even though it’s cheaper than investing in your own data center, it still requires a lot of work and time to set up everything properly. This makes a private cloud provider the perfect middle ground. WESTPOLE’s cloud services are available all over Europe and relieve you from all worries that often accompany building and maintaining a virtual data center in the cloud.