WESTPOLE Benelux, a provider of IT services and solutions and a specialist in digital transformation, has announced the launch of “Governance and Risk Compliance Center (GRCC)”, its own risk management and compliance platform. With GRCC, WESTPOLE ventures into the innovative and digital side of risk compliance. The platform has been developed in Luxemburg, based on technologies licensed by the Luxemburg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). It contains the majority of standard libraries and allows to be adapted to user preferences or to create industry-specific standards.

Welcome to the WESTPOLE news channel
This is where we reveal and elaborate on company milestones, events & projects.
Secondly, it serves as a go-to knowledge database.
We keep our finger on the pulse of the IT industry and use blogs & articles to report on everything that is
worth reporting on. Included bonuses: our expert’s opinions on the topics in question.
Cédric Paint is appointed Country Sales Director Luxembourg of WESTPOLE
Cédric Paint has become Country Sales Director Luxembourg. In March 2023, WESTPOLE Benelux was acquired by the Prodware Group. Following this acquisition and the appointment of Bertrand Launay as General Manager of WESTPOLE Benelux, the group introduced a new strategy for the territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Cédric Paint is charged with developing the company’s growth there.
WESTPOLE’s take on a sustainable future
Sustainability in the IT sector is vital for a brighter future. By taking responsibility for its impact on the environment, the IT industry is choosing the right path.
Bertrand Launay is appointed General Manager of WESTPOLE Benelux
WESTPOLE Benelux, an IT services and hybrid solutions provider for the digital transformation, has appointed Bertrand Launay as General Manager and introduces its management team. WESTPOLE was acquired in March 2023 by Prodware, a French group specialised in implementing ERP and CRM solutions, among others.
Prodware acquires WESTPOLE Benelux
WESTPOLE Benelux, an IT services and hybrid solutions provider for the digital transformation, has been acquired by the French Prodware Group. This operation concerns over 300 employees of WESTPOLE Benelux, mainly in Vilvoorde, Mont-Saint-Guibert and Windhof (Luxembourg), which together have a turnover of around 40M€.
Cloud and Public Administration: the winning combination
Cloud and Public Administration move on parallel tracks: citizens expect more and more from services and delivering them effectively is crucial.
Data protection: 5 successful methodologies for complex environments
Data protection in complex environments is a challenge, but thanks to state-of-the-art methods, it is possible to put it into practice.
M365 data protection: why it really matters
Microsoft Office 365 is a powerful set of products that can help you empower your entire organization!
However, your Microsoft 365 environment can quickly become unmanageable without the proper management and data protection tools. Or worse, unexpected data loss can occur! With the combined offering from WESTPOLE, we help regain control over your M365 environment and ensure your valuable data is always well protected!
Cloud Management as a Service: why it’s better than “do it yourself”
‘Cloud Management as a Service’ or CMaaS means being able to take full advantage of the opportunity to outsource the management of a cloud infrastructure to an experienced provider. The main driver of this choice is flexibility, as well as the adoption of a more agile management system.
Dirk De Boeck appointed as country manager for Belgium at WESTPOLE
At WESTPOLE Benelux, supplier of IT services and solutions and specialist in digital transformation, Dirk De Boeck is promoted to country manager for Belgium. He was joined WESTPOLE earlier this year as director of managed services and is now taking a step up.